
Synopsis/ Police E-mail

The opening scene begins with both the actors sitting on a bench, the one on the left being unlucky and the one on the right lucky. Without any dialogue, they both then exit the shot by standing up and going opposite directions. In this first scene also, the unlucky person leaves his wallet on the bench. During this same shot also, the lucky person picks up the wallet and takes it with him.
After this, it turns into split screen with the unlucky person continuing to be on the left, going through many hurdles on the journey towards college. One of the many hurdles includes making decisions, such as deciding whether walking under a ladder or not. In this case during the second scene, the unlucky person does walk under a ladder and the lucky person doesn’t walk under the ladder.  One of the first unlucky events to happen to the unlucky person is that he walks into a lamppost. The shot after this is him lying on the floor. While he is getting up, the lucky person finds a 5 pound note which he picks up and puts into his pocket. While the lucky person is walking away, the unlucky person steps onto a crack in the road. The next shot shows him looking down at his shoes, and when he looks up, he gets hit in the face with a ball. Because of this, he begins to get dizzy and stumbles down the street. While this is happening, the lucky person finds a four leaf clover. The next shot is them both walking down the street and ending up back on the same bench. The lucky person gives back the wallet, and then leaves the shot. The unlucky person then opens the wallet to find the four leaf clover inside, and because of this, he then finds a 5 pound note. The last shot shows him happy as it then fades out to the credits.

Police E-mail

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