"The Dealer" Evaluation
My favourite aspect of our video is the start of the movie. I believe this is the best part as the music corresponding with the opening scene builds up the tension of what is going to happen in the next scene. The match on-action shot of opening the door works well with the long shot and the medium shot as it looks like it is done in one action, not in three different scenes.
My least favourite aspect of the video is from where “Matt” enters the doors and we then get a close up of his face. I believe this is my least favourite part because it cuts from him moving to him standing still without any dialogue. Also another part is where I look up when “Matt” enters the room I believe this would be a good shot but we didn’t have a long enough shot of me looking up.

When filming I believe that we did not do exactly what it said on the sheet. Some parts in our movie we had dialogue where it shouldn’t have been. So when editing it was hard to make it look like the characters where talking to each other as some parts of the movie where filmed before others, so when we started to do the dialogue it would be hard to look exactly where the other character was. Also I believe that we done our shot timing too short this made it hard to edit as we didn’t have much to cut between shots.
Next time we could improve on our filming techniques, because when we were filming I believe that we done some shots wrong. For example we done a shot which was supposed to be a close up with talking but it was actually a close up without talking this made editing difficult as if we done some shots what were right and some which missed some parts which did not help us at all. Next time we should follow the instructions given to us, so it will help us while filming. Next time we should try to edit some of the background noise we didn’t need. If we do a close up next time we should film it from how it got to the close up for example if the person was coming in through a door and kept moving, for the close up the person will have to be moving not standing still.
A good account Zach, and you use a couple of the key media terms, but note that 'match on action' is a type of edit - not a shot. Great work to start off though - well done.