The Brief


The focus group could understand who the target audience was but they couldn't see the message behind the advert and the impact that it will have on them. This is a big problem as this is confusing the people who are watching it.
If the advert was shown regularly this would play into peoples minds that it would be perceived that tea is said to be for adults and teenagers now not just adults. The focus group believe that the effectiveness of the content is not entirely effect the storyline of the advert is not clear. I believe that because other people don't get storyline the advert will not be effective. In our advert I believe that we didn't have a main persuasion technique as we didn't entice people into our advert. This advert was to re-promote the brand with teenagers being socially accepted, so this could have been the persuasion technique by showing people that teenagers do drink tea.

Overall I think that our production is not completely professional but this could be corrected when we are updating the advert after the feedback we gained, I think the advert just needs some extra time to edit it.
I believe the advert did comply with regulations as the product did not include harming/misleading or offencive material. If the product did we would not be able to show it on any media as before any advert is sent the advert is checked by a advertising board. One of the rules to follow is this 'The use of a title, logo, set or music associated with a programme that is broadcast on that medium needs special care. The audience should quickly recognise the message as an advertisement.' In our advert you can clearly state that it is an advertisement as the use of titles at the end of our advertisment. Another regulation to follow is 'Advertisements must not materially mislead or be likely to do so'. Our advert may mislead some people in the way that they don't understand that why the people act like older after the PG tips box comes into the room, this may offend adults causing us a problem. Overall this may mean that our advert may not be fit for purpose as if it offend adults this may cause a problem. The offence may link to the
'Advertisements must not cause serious or widespread offence against generallyaccepted moral, social or cultural standards.'
Personal Reflection
The final advertisement did seem to match up with our original intentions but the thing that I believe that threw most people off was that when the teacher turns round the people in the classroom have changed somehow. I liked our idea before this one where the teacher would go out of the room and he finds that all the teabags from the box have disappeared and when the students leave the classroom one drops out of the students bag and the teacher sees it. I believe that the previous idea would have worked better as more people would have understood it. Matching our production to our documentation, the storyboard is basically identical as we used the storyboard during our filming to make sure that we get every shot right. Our tutors feedback was the he didn't really understand the advert, this seems to be a big problem throughout the feedback so more than likely if we had time to do it we would have to change our idea to the previous one. Also that if our tutor doesn't understand it this may show that adults don't understand the advert.
Overall I though our advert was too a good standard but maybe becuase I worked quite alot on the actuall advert, whereas the people who we questioned seeing it for the first time. Taking other peoples opinions into account I believe the advert was average because people didn't understand it. If we was to remake the advert we should chose our previous idea as it would have been funnier and more understandable as you see the students do something whereas in this advert they just change somehow. Overall I think I played a big part in the projet as I done most of the filming and most of the editing throughout the project, this could be good or this could be bad as the other people in my group may have carried out the same things better. Next time I should let the other people in my group do more work so it gives us an even chance to show what we can do with the equipment given.
ReplyDeleteWell done - you have covered all the terms and included a decent amount of detail although I think you need far more specific examples and some deeper exploration of some areas.
I have awarded P4 & M4 for this task but you do need to make the following changes to solidify that and to aim higher.
- for comments from others, could you print screen and/or quote specific responses? Also, mention tutor feedback
- for apt to audience, what did you do that would specifically attract teems? e.g., used teen actors
- for impact of work, add more, particularly how could you test the impact of the ad and also what could you have done to ensure sales?
- give specific examples (with print screens) for tech and aesthetic qualities
- for effectiveness of content, do you feel that you 'sold' tea? If not, what could you have done?
- for persuasion techs, what else could you have done to persuade? maybe link to AIDA
- for clarity of comms, say that the teens actually looked to be enjoying and liking the tea - that was your message - it's cool (and tasty!)
- for fitness, does it sell tea? Also, I don't think you infringe anything so say that you don't contradict the quotes that you found
- add some print screens to the self-evaluation to show specific/detailed examples.
Good start Zac.
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